Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Okay, so it's January 18th. To be fair, I have been following part of my resolution since the 1st. I just hadn't decided how ambitious I wanted to be.

So, here we go...
Every day, I will do something active, something constructive and something enjoyable. Why? Well, Active is so I can get in shape. I do want to lose some weight but mostly I'd like to lose the tire that has formed around my waist. Constructive is so I can keep on top of all the projects I want to tackle. I just keep getting more and more (and higher and higher) piles in my office and it's getting out of control. I need to start tackling these projects. Enjoyable, admittedly, will be fairly easy but it's there to make sure I make time for myself every day and just have some fun.

I plan to record these activities daily (and this recording doesn't count as something constructive). In addition, these have to be 3 separate activities.

January 18th:
Active = my normal workout which includes Dignan's brisk 40 minute walk, followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill and 15-20 minutes of either abs or upper body...actually, we only got about 6 minutes of Dig's walk in before it started raining too hard

Constructive = paid bills and updated home finances

Enjoyable = watched "Julie and Julia" and I really liked it; sometimes I get tired of Meryl Streep because everyone always gushes about her acting and it seems like one of her movies comes out about every 3 weeks but she IS fantastic as Julie Child; I really loved her in this movie and Amy Adams is adorable as usual

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Susan, that's SO cool! I'm in a similar resolution boat!