Monday, May 24, 2010


I don't know what possessed me to watch the LOST series finale twice. What a cryfest. I watched it alone last night and basically cried through the entire 2 1/2 hours. This morning, the eyelashes on my right eye were stuck together. My eyelids were so puffy, I could barely open my eyes...and that was after my miracle MAC eyecream.

I watched it again tonight with Matthew and we were both blubbering idiots. It was so happy and so sad. I will really miss that show.

I wanted a mind-blowing time-twisty ending but I got something completely different. At first, I was a little shocked, maybe a little let-down. Yet, I still feel satisfied, just in a different way.

1 comment:

Deanna & Catherine said...

I felt the same way! just cried for 2 hours straight. My eyes were all dry and stingy afterward. I little let down by the end reveal, but still really touched by its messege.