My Rudolph Christmas Village. I wish I could live there sometimes. I like San Diego a lot but I don't know that this is where I belong. I feel like I need to try out other places, other types of places in fact. Maybe I'd like a smaller town. Maybe I'd like somewhere that has four seasons. Maybe I'd like a different coast. I don't know. I can visit places on vacation all I want but you never know if you fit in unless you try living there and that's just not feasible.
If I ever win the lottery, one thing I would do is live in a different city every year until I found the place that felt right. I'd have to start with fun cities like Sydney, Florence, Paris and London but then I'd come back to the USA and seriously start testing. Okay, New York and then I'd get realistic.
Until then, I'll just retreat into my snowy little village once a year and imagine how wonderful it would be.
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