Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7th

Hmmm. I don't seem to be doing very well on my "daily" blog. I guess all I can do is start again.

ACTIVE: I did work out 3 times last week which isn't as much as I'd like but it was better than nothing. I really think I need to work out 5 times a week if I'm ever going to get in shape and lose any weight. The truth is, I just can't diet. I never had to before. I always had a high metabolism so I ate whatever I wanted and it didn't matter. Unfortunately, it's now biting me in the ass. I don't have good eating habits and I have a terrible sweet tooth. I'm trying and I will do well for days at a time. I just can't sustain it. I feel like I'm eating healthier but I still crave something sweet after a meal.

CONSTRUCTIVE: I can't say that I did a lot this week that was constructive. I cleaned the living room today and I paid bills the other day. Other than that, I was pretty lazy. That's my biggest problem in life. I'm lazy. I have lots of ideas but I usually don't make them happen.

ENJOYABLE: Well, since this is the easiest of my resolutions, I did a lot that I enjoyed. I finished "Eat, Pray, Love" and I enjoyed being done with it. To be honest, I liked it a lot more when I was listening to the audiobook because the author narrated it and I think it helped me understand what she was trying to say. I just felt that she was a little arrogant, though not as bad as the woman that wrote "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle". I don't know. I kind of liked it...but not enough. So, now I'm reading "Twilight" even though I swore I wouldn't. Stephanie lent it to me and, since she read "Dead Until Dark" on my recommendation, I am taking her advice and giving this book a chance. I have only read 3 chapters and I don't hate it but I'm not sucked in yet either (no pun intended).

The best part of my week was definitely watching the season premiere of "LOST"...twice. I frickin' love that show. I will be so sad when it's over but, at the same time, I will be excited to be able to rewatch the whole series and know that that's everything. I don't have to wonder what's going to happen. I can look at it as a whole and enjoy looking for little clues that will foretell the end result. Actually, I'm hoping that Jeff Jenson from EW will write a book analyzing the show. He is a genius when it comes to that show and I have enjoyed reading his reviews and hypotheses of the show. He's not always right but he comes up with some awesome theories.

1 comment:

Raque S said...

i struggle with snacking and my sweet tooth too! ugh! i just started using the app Lose It. it's fun and easy (although not all the foods are easy to find so sometimes i have to makeshift).