Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st

It feels good to be ACTIVE again. I completed my full normal workout even though I had some moments of nausea. No, it's not morning sickness; its just me. If I don't get enough sleep, I get nauseous. I have never been able to stay up all night because I get nauseous once I get too sleepy. In fact, the closest I ever came to an all-nighter was sleeping only 3 hours before a final in college. Seriously. I've never stayed up all night. So, anyway, I couldn't sleep last night. I had a difficult time falling asleep which is normal for me because I often lie down and my mind suddenly starts racing. Usually, I try to focus on the (fictional) house I want to buy in Tuscany on a hillside beside a long winding road....or I turn on my rain machine and imagine I'm snuggly in bed while it's cold and rainy outside...or I count and try to visualize each number. Nothing worked last night. Well, I guess something did work because I ended up nodding off sometime after 12:30am. Of course, when Matt's alarm went off at 5:30am, that was it for me. I was awake even though I laid in bed for another hour and a half. Now, I know 5 hours seems like a lot but I actually need at least 6 hours, 6 1/2 really, if I want to function. Hence, the bouts of nausea.

My CONSTRUCTIVE thing for the day was ordering a pair of rain boots. Why, you say? Well, yes, I do live in San Diego but it rains here sometimes and I find myself wearing flip flops half the time to walk outside so I don't ruin any of my shoes. Not out in public but in the yard, etc. I think boots will be useful and I just wanted there.

Once again, I ENJOYED playing Guitar Hero World Tour with Matt. Tonight, I played drums and Matt played guitar. We only did one gig but we got to do some new songs so that was fun.

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