Thursday, January 28, 2010


Dang! I didn't even get through one week without flaking on my blog. It shouldn't be that difficult to catch up since I've done practically NOTHING since my last post. I had to come up to L.A. for the week to placate my crazy boss.

I haven't been very ACTIVE at all. I did bring my workout clothes with me. Does that count? My room is at the very end of the hallway so I have to walk further than anyone else when I get off the elevator. Does that count? How about taking the stairs down 2 stories in the parking garage? I know. My weigh-in next Monday will suck.

I've done a little bit of CONSTRUCTIVE stuff this week but probably not every day. I brought my Cooking Light magazines with me. My plan is to go through all of my old issues and tear out only the pages with recipes I want to try. I have been keeping the magazines as if I would EVER go back and consult them. Really, they are just taking up space that I don't have. So, after cutting out the recipes I want to try, I'm going to add them to my over-stuffed recipe binder. I think what I need to do, eventually, is pull out all of my tried-and-true recipes from that binder and make another, slimmed-down, beautifully organized book with my favorite recipes.

I also haven't done much that I would call ENJOYABLE this week. I really wanted to get together with friends but my stupid stomach thought otherwise. So, I have basically spent every evening in my room, watching television. I didn't mind so much last night because I got to see the President's State of the Union address. I am still a fan of President Obama, although I do wish he was a bit more liberal on certain issues like gay marriage. Oh my gosh, I also watched that show "Modern Family" last night. I think I saw a few minutes of it before and thought it was funny but I watched the whole thing last night and now I know it's funny. There were a couple of times I just busted out laughing. I will have to add it to my if I don't have enough in there already. I'm such a TV junkie. I should get a job for EW (Entertainment Weekly) in the TV department.

Well, I guess it's about time to read Cooking Light and watch TV!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Sorry we didn't get to see you, but we totally understand!

And yes, having to walk down the hall and go down two flights of stairs does count! I think making small changes in what we do is as important as hitting the treadmill. So yay to you!

Oh, and Modern Family is my new favorite show! Seriously laugh out loud funny. I love ALL the characters (especially the goofy dad with three kids), and the show makes me tear up a little each time too. I don't know if you can find it, but if you can, watch the "Bicycle" episode. Fricking AMAZING tv.

Cheers to safe travels back to SD!